Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Healthy Recipe! The Best Healthy Dessert EVER!

I'm sorry it has taken me longer than expected to post this! Hear me out though, I knew that if I made this dessert I would HAVE to eat it. I couldn't just let it sit there and go to waste and now that we're coming up to the weekend I have done it! Honestly, this is the best healthy, all organic dessert I have ever tasted! It came from a Paleo recipe I found for Chocolate pudding and one night I felt like being experimental and whipped this together. What I produced is (in my opinion) better than ice cream.

Choc-Banana Frozen Mousse

3 Bananas
2 Avocados
1 Tablespoon of Vanilla Extract
2 Tablespoons of Organic Creamed Honey
2 Tablespoons of Almond Spread
1 Tablespoon of Cocoa Powder
1 Scoop of Chocolate Protein Powder (This is optional, I use it to make it slightly closer to "Zone" Good Fat, Good Carb, Protein)

Serves 2 generous bowls or 4 mini sides

(Brace yourself- it gets technical. I'm kidding. Its a piece of cake  mousse!)

1. Put all ingredients into Food Processor
2. Process until a cream like substance appears. You may have to stop the processor and mix the outside ingredients into the middle a couple of times

3. Proportion to two bowls

4. Put bowls in freezer. Depending how you like it leave it in there for atleast 60 minutes. This will give you a thick really cold mousse. If you want it more like an ice cream, leave it in for 2 hours.

5. Grab a spoon, a movie and the couch to enjoy this amazing healthy treat!

Let me know if you made it and what you think about it!

Hope you enjoy!

Revie x

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Urban Babes Hot Tip- Green Tea

Hey Babes!

So today's tip is all about- GREEN TEA! I know you're thinking "yeah, yeah, how original green tea is good for you!" But seriously, have you ever actually done your research and realised how good it really is for your health?

Here are just some of the reasons green tea is good for you:
  • It is an excellent source of anti oxidants
  • Clears up your skin
  • It burns fat and enables you to exercise longer
  • It lowers stress but boosts brain power
  • It reduces high blood pressure
  • It helps to protect your lungs from smoking
  • It helps your liver from alcohol
  • It prevents tooth decay and cures bad breath
  • Great for hydration
  • It boosts your immunity against illnesses/ helps fight bacteria 
  • All of this- with ZERO fat or carbs

Green Tea does contain caffeine so drink it before 6pm to ensure it doesn't mess with your sleep. It does however contain less caffeine than coffee so you can have up to 6 cups a day. Its especially good at getting rid of metal toxicity which is basically toxins from the environment.

I've heard a lot of you say that you don't like the taste if so, have you ever tried it iced? Here's what I do, especially in the summer time when the last thing you feel like a cup of boiling water.

  1. Boil the kettle 
  2. Using a large water jug, put three organic (contains more antioxidants) green tea bags and fill with boiling water
  3. Let it cool down
  4. Once its room temperature then put in fridge
  5. Serve with glass of ice!

Urban Babes Wednesday 6:30 Class

22 February

a) Max Double Unders in 3 minutes

Ash: 60
Ness: 77
Shantelle: 152
Manda: 90
Naomi: 16
Cheryl N/A


Dumbbell Thrusters
Knees 2 Elbow
Ball Taps
200m Run

Ash: 6:34
Ness: 6:51
Shantelle: 6:46
Mandy: 6:01
Naomi: 7:04
Cheryl: 6:50

c) 70 Twists, Max Plank Holds

Urban Babe One on One Sesh with Stacey!

21 Feb

a) 100 Punches for time
Stacey: 0:50

b) 3 Rounds
10 Box Jumps
20 Front Squat
20 Sit Ups
200m Run

Stacey: 12:15

Good time Stace! Fitness level is increasing fast! x

Urban Babes Monday 20 February

a) 100 Punches for Time

Shantelle: 1:09
Candi: 0:48
Steph: 0:42
Sheena: 0:45
Ness: 0:49
Stacey 0:50

b) WOD
5 Rounds-
10 Box Jumps
20 KB Front Squat
30 Butterfly Sit Ups
400m Run

Rev: 22:26 16kg KB
Candice: 24:45 12kg KB
Ness: 23:15 16 kg KB
Sheena: 23:20 12kg KB
Steph: 22:31 12kg KB
Shantelle: 3 Rounds 16:30

Great session girls! That was tough! x

Urban Babes One on One Sesh with Nikki!

a) Deadlift Max 5 Reps

30kg! PR! Well Done Nikki!

b) 3 Rounds
5 Deadlifts @ 20kg
10 Squats
15 KB Swings @ 12Kg
20 Punches 
200m Run

Nikki: 8:50 20kg Deadlift, 12kg KB Swings

c) Core Work

Welcome back Nikki! See you soon :)

Urban Babes One on One with Nadia

a) Deadlift Max 5 Reps

35kg! PR! Well Done Nadia!

b) 3 Rounds
5 Deadlifts
10 Squats
15 KB Swings
20 Punches
200m Run

Nadia: 7:08 30kg Deadlift, 12kg KB Swings

c) Core Work

Great job on your deadlifts Nadia!

Urban Babes Sesh Thurday Evening

a) 30-20-10
Jumping Pull Ups
Ring Row
100 Skips
100m Run

Steph 10:07

Trainer Sesh

Thursday 16 Feb

a) 3 Rounds
10 Toes to Bar
20 Push Jerk DB
40 Balls Taps
50 Double Unders
Rev 11:40

Monday, February 20, 2012

Urban Babes Hot Tip!

Hi Babes!

Here's something I recently read about consuming sugar that I thought you may find interesting and useful!

Today's Hot Tip- Always eat sugar with protein!

Never eat sugar on its own (including fruit and honey) always eat it with some protein and 'good fat' for example with a handful of nuts or a slice of meat or fish! This is because protein and fat slow the rate at which sugar floods into your bloodstream and if sugar hits your bloodstream quickly,you'll feel quickly high and then very quickly low.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Urban Babes Session Thursday Morning

16th Feb 5:30am with Ness

a) 5 Rounds-
20 Rope Slaps
15 KB Swings
10 Push Ups
100m Run

Ness: 10:25

b) Tyre Flips - 50 For Time

Ness: 4:35

c) Core Work

Urban Babes Session Wednesday 15 Feb

6:30pm Class

The Kardio Killer

3 Rounds-
50 Squat
50 Dumbells 
50 Lunges @ 10kg
50 Ball Taps
100 DU or 200m Run

Ness: 3 Rounds 16:25
Ash: 2 Rounds 16:29
Steph: 2 Rounds 12:14
Jess: 2 Rounds 12:46
Amanda: 2 Rounds 11:58

So good girls! This session was kick ass! x

Urban Babe One on One with Naomi

14th Feb

5 Rounds
10 Squat
10 OH Lunge
10 Ball Taps
200m Run

Naomi: 11:33

b) 20 Punches x 5

c) Core Work

Urban Babe one on one w/ Stacey

14th Feb

a) 3 Rounds
5 Squats
10 OH Lunge
30 Ball Taps
200m Run

Stacey: 7:36

b) Core work

Kardio Killer- Tuesday Morning 14th Feb

3 Rounds
50 Squat
50 Dumbells
50 Lunges @ 10kg
50 Ball Taps
100 DU or 200m Run
Ash: 2 Rounds - 15:55 200m
Ness: 3 Rounds - 17:11  200m

Monday 13 Feb Evening Sesh

a) 1 Minute Max Ball Taps

Amanda: 140
Shantelle: Forgot to Count
Ash: 120
Candi: 120
Steph: -

b) 5 Rounds
12 KB Swings @ 12kg
12 Squats
12 DB Punches
100 Ball Taps

Amanda: 8:22
Shantelle: 9:44 @ 16kg KB
Ash: 8:49
Candice: 8:25
Steph: 7:59

c) Partner Carry
200m Penalty: 20 Burpees
Coach Penalty: 50 Burpees

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Saturday Sesh!

Minus Ness & Stace!

400m before each round-
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10

Box Jumps
KB Swings
Ball Taps (each team member)

Ness + Mandi 38:57
Steph + Ivona: 38:03
Jess + Nadia + Stacey: 37:20

This was a gruelling workout and you all got through it so well! Congrats on your efforts!

Urban Babe Session- One on One with Ness

One on One session with Ness!

Learnt the Squat Clean!

a) 3 Rounds
7 Squat Cleans 30kg
14 Kettle Bell Swings


Great Job Ness, smashed it!

Urban Babes Session- Thursday 9 February

Evening Session

15 Minute Amrap
6 Thruster
6 Tucks
30 Ball Taps

Ness: 12 + 20 
Shantelle: 10 Rounds

5 Rounds
20 Squats
20 Ball Slams
100 Ball Taps

Ash: 10:12

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What's for Lunch!

Spinach & Chilli Omlette, slice of turkey served with a salad. So good!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Urban Babe Session- Thursday 9 Feb

5:30 AM Session

Lunge x 10 @ Body Weight
Lunge x 10 @ 5kg
Lunge x 10 @ 10 kg etc...

Ness: 20kg
Nadia: 10kg

b) 200m
10 Box Jumps
10 Wall Balls
10 Sit Upsq

Ness: 15:09 GHD Sit Ups
Nadia: 14:15

Urban Babe Session- Wednesday 8 Feb

a) Thruster Tech

b) 15 Min Amrap
6 Thrusters
6 Knees To Elbow
30 Toes to Bar

Ness: 11 Rounds + 5 Thrusters @ 20KG
Ash: 11 Rounds + 6 Thrusters @ 15KG

Mandy- Scaled WOD 10 Rounds + 2 Push Press

c) 100 Twists @ 10kg

Nice ladies! Hard workout and you smashed it!

Urban Babe Intro Session- Stacey!

Welcome Stacey!

a) 15 Squat
10 Sit Up
5 Push Up
x 3 Rounds


b) 20kg Deadlift Technique

Urban Babes Session- Monday 6 Feb & Tuesday 7 Feb

Warm Up 
200m Run
Squat hold 10 seconds

a) 400mm Run For Time:
Steph: 1:10
Ash: 1:34
Sandra: 1:21
Ness: 1:34

b) 5 Rounds
15 Punches
10 Thrusters
5 Jump Squat
200m Run

Steph: 8:28
Ash: 8:32
Amanda: 8:56 (Sore Knee- Different Workout)
Ness: 7:55
Sandra: 8:25

Monday, February 6, 2012

Saturday Sesh!

400m Run
50 Push Ups
100 Squats
50 Deadlifts
100 OH Lunge
50 Strokes
100 Sit Ups
50 Burpees
400m Partner Carry

Ness + Ivona 21:53
Jess + Steph: 23:40
Amanda + Sandra: 23:59
Candy + Stacey + Ness: 26:56

Great Work Girls! It was a toughy but you smashed it!!


Urban Babes- Friday Morning 4 February

a) 30 m Prowler
10 Squats
Rest 30 seconds- 1minutes
x 5

Ness: 70kg
Shantelle: 50kg

b) 1km Run for Time
Shantelle: 4:54
Ness: 5:06

Ash Revisits Workouts
3 Rounds
15 Squats
10 Sit Ups
5 Push Ups

200m Run Timed: 2:10

Previous Time: 3:00 Current Time: 2:36

5 Rounds-
10 OH Lunge
200m Run
Previous Time: 9:27 Current Time: 8:08

Tough Session girl but you smashed it!

Urban Babes Bench Mark

Urban Babes Session to measure how our fitness is going!

a) Intro WOD
5 Rounds
10 Sit Ups
5 Push Ups

Previous Time: 5:02                 Current Time: 4:00

Previous Time: 6:56                 Current Time: 5:27

Old Time: 5:43                        Current Time: 4:11

Revisiting Workouts
Ness & Steph
Box Jump
Med Ball Clean
Ness Previous Time- 9:15        Current Time: 7:37
Steph Previous Time- 10:49     Current Time: 8:12

Amanda's Workout
3 Rounds
10 OH Lunge @ 10kg
10 Burpees
200m Run
Previous Time: 10:17                Current Time: 6:30 <-- Woah!  Nice ones!

You girls kicked your old times asses! Congrats! Your fitness is improving!

Urban Babes Intro Session

Welcome Nadia!

5 Rounds-
15 Squats
10 Sit Ups
5 Push Ups

Nadia: 6:10

3 Rounds-
10 OH Lunge
10 Burpee
200m Run

Nadia: 8:14

Urban Babes Session- Tuesday 5:30am 31 January


Pull Up

Ness: 8:07 20kg,Blue Band
Shantelle: 7:18 20kg, Blue Band

Good job on your first go at Fran Ness :)

Urban Babes Session- Monday 6:30pm 30 January

Week 3 in 12 Week Challenge

a) Deadlift

a) 15 Minute AMRAP
12 Push Ups
12 Box Jumps
12 Deadlift
100 Skips or 30 Double Unders

Ness: 5 Rounds + 8 Box Jumps
Amanda: 6 Rounds + 8 Deadlifts
Shantelle: 7 + 1 Lunge (injured foot)
Ash: 4 Rounds + 1 Deadlifts
Steph: 4+ 90 Skips