Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Healthy Recipe: Protein Balls!

Protein Balls served with Rasberries
So I made these Protein Balls as a treat for my 12 Week Challenge Babes on the Last Day and everyone that tried them has been asking for the recipe ever since. To be honest, I dont really measure what goes in there so I had to make another batch and measure it for you. After your third batch you'll be able to make them with no measuring cups etc!

Honestly anything nutty or dried fruit goes, but here is what I put in them:
(Please note that all measurements are approximate, you don't have to go by exact- this is a fun recipe!)

2 Cups Mixed Nuts
3/4 Cup Cranberries
3/4 Cup Sultanas
1/4 Golgi Berries -Power Food!
1/2 Cup of Shredded Coconut
3-4 Scoops of Protein Powder
2 Tablespoons of Cocoa Powder- Power Food!
3 Tablespoons of Mixed Seeds (Gluten Free) (Optional)
2-3 Tablespoons of Almond Spread

Food Processor
Clean Hands! Goes without saying... I hope!

1. Pour all ingredients into the food processor. As mentioned before, you do not have to measure exactly.

2. Turn Food Processor on for approximately 30-45 seconds. Depending on the mixture and the power of your food processor, you may start to see moisture in the mix from sultanas, cranberries and the spread. After 1 minute of processing- if it still looks really dry add 1/4 cup of cranberries.

3. Turn your Food Processor on for another 45 seconds, making sure that if the mixture starts to stick to the side  use a spoon to push it back into the middle. This is where I start to pulsate the processor, making the mixture come to the middle, where the blades are. You dont have to pulsate, only if the option is there! This is what you want your mixture to look like:
Please note your processor may not work the same as mine, in which case leave it on for 3-5 minutes and you should start to see the clumps!

4. To test the mixture you can put a small amount in your palm, squeeze hard and see if it sticks together. If it does- you're ready to shape! You can shape them however you want but I make them into little balls, like this:

I tend to make them different sizes, to allow for different snack portions in case I'm after a more satisfying snack or just a mini one.

If you are trying to lose weight these should only be eaten before 12pm as it is essentially dried fruit. This is not something I would rely on everyday, more perhaps a go to when Im in a hurry. Fresh food is always the better choice!

And that is it! If you have any questions, please comment below. And please let me know if you tried them! Love hearing feedback!

Revie x

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